Aaron Toadlena

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Aaron’s Story

Aaron Toadlena was born in 1958 In Fort Defiance, Arizona. Aaron came from a large family; he has seven sisters and five brothers. Aaron and his wife Eve have four children. Aaron currently lives in Sawmill, Arizona, but was raised in Tohatch, where he attended boarding school. While in boarding school, Aaron met and became friends with Delbert Gordon and David Reeves. Aaron began silversmithing at the age of twelve and was taught by his brother Gordon. In addition to silverwork, Aaron has been a carpenter, a mechanic, worked for the Navajo Housing Authority, and has driven a semi. His favorite pieces of jewelry to create are old style bracelets and squash blossoms. Aaron is an award winning silversmith and has entered pieces in the Gallup Ceremonial. He has received a number of first and second place ribbons for his beautiful pieces of jewelry.

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